Working Together Chicago is a program of Center for Independence through Conductive Education Inc., an Illinois nonprofit under Section 501 C 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. The mission of the Center is to help people with disabilities achieve their highest level of potential. Center for Independence and the Working Together Chicago program is an approved community employment provider with the Illinois Department of Rehab Services. (DRS) Learn more about the Center.


WTC + SSA = Milestone Success
Working Together Chicago is committed to building strong job placement solutions by sharing our best practices.

Are you a Social Service Agency looking to expand your employment outcomes? Achieve your Milestones, partner with WTC, contact us today!


Disability Benefits 101: DB101 helps people with disabilities and service providers understand the connections between work and benefits. DB101 will help you make informed choices and show you how you can make work part of your plan.

Employment Checklist for Students with Disabilities

DRS & DDD Adult IDD Waiver Programs Comparison on Eligibility & Services

A Guide to Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS)

PUNS: Finding your way map

Families can read this packet to learn more about disability benefits and transitional services

Understanding Disability Benefits

Disclaimer: some information may be out of date. We are working to get this updated as soon as possible.

What We Offer

WTC provides: Intake and Assessment, Networking, Employment Development and Placement, Job Coaching, Mentorship, Social/Professional Events

WTC employee with employer

We need your feedback!

WTC is interested in learning more about perceptions and attitudes regarding inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities in the workplace.

Please take the survey today.

Let's Work Together

The Center for Independence believes that people with disabilities can have great success in the labor market when they have the right supports and are given a chance. Join us today in making this possible.


Charlie O'Malley
312-995-3302 or Email

Center for Independence through Conductive Education Inc., an Illinois nonprofit under Section 501 C 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. The mission of the Center is to help people with disabilities achieve their highest level of potential.

Working Together Chicago promotes workforce diversity and inclusion through superior employment services for people with disabilities.

Learn more about the Center for Independence.

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