Working Together Chicago is a program of Center for Independence through Conductive Education Inc., an Illinois nonprofit under Section 501 C 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. The mission of the Center is to help people with disabilities achieve their highest level of potential. Center for Independence and the Working Together Chicago program is an approved community employment provider with the Illinois Department of Rehab Services. (DRS) Learn more about the Center.
According to Research
People with disabilities can have great success in the workplace when they have the right support and are given a chance. WTC provides that opportunity and support through job carving, short-term job coaching and long-term mentoring.
Employer Job Carving Tools
Helping You Become a More Inclusive Workplace
The Working Together Chicago survey is an online tool that is a new and unique way for employers to “Job Carve” a position for a person with a disability. The process is completely led by the employer.
The Working Together Survey challenges employers/employees to examine their daily tasks and identify those that can be assigned to a person with a disability - improving overall workplace productivity and efficiency.
The WTC Job carving survey fills the needs of an employer while capitalizing on the skills and strengths of workers with disabilities.
Contact us for your job carving survey!
Employer Success Stories
Daniel has improved our company’s overall culture with his attitude, friendly demeanor, enthusiasm, and dedication to helping out wherever he can. Daniel is always approachable, eager to learn new tasks and loves to jump right into any projects. Daniel is a valued member of the MIMO family.
— Daniel’s Supervisor: Jeff Kazale, Production/Logistics Manager at MIMO, LLC
It’s our job to educate all students, and I think it is important for kids to grow up with all kinds of people, so that they are accepting and learn to appreciate all life, and that everyone is a person of dignity and worth.
— Rachel Gemo, Principal at St. Benedict Preparatory
We need your feedback!
WTC is interested in learning more about perceptions and attitudes regarding inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities in the workplace.
Please take the survey today.
Let's Work Together
The Center for Independence believes that people with disabilities can have great success in the labor market when they have the right supports and are given a chance. Join us today in making this possible.
Joanne Callahan
312-995-3302 or Email
Center for Independence through Conductive Education Inc., an Illinois nonprofit under Section 501 C 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. The mission of the Center is to help people with disabilities achieve their highest level of potential.
Working Together Chicago promotes workforce diversity and inclusion through superior employment services for people with disabilities.
Affirmative Action
In all activities, the Center for Independence and all of its programs, promote and ensure equal opportunity for all persons without regard to disability, age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.